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Canadian Chart 1 Symbols, Abbreviations and Terms

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Rocks, Wrecks, Obstructions - Section K

SNS c,d


Ref. IHO Symbology Description CHS Symbology
20 Wreck, hull always dry, on largescale charts
21 Wreck, covers and uncovers, on largescale charts
22 Submerged wreck, depth known, on largescale charts
23 Submerged wreck, depth unknown, on largescale charts
24 Wreck showing any portion of hull or superstructure at level of chart datum
Wreck of which only the mast or masts are visible at chart datum
26 Wreck, least depth known by sounding only
27 Wreck, least depth known, swept by wire drag or diver
28 Wreck, least depth unknown, considered to be potentially dangerous to some surface vessels

Caution: Not all wrecks which are potentially dangerous have this symbol, see caution at K 29
29 Wreck, least depth unknown

Caution: On many charts, this symbol is used for wrecks of unknown least depth, but considered to be covered by more than 20m of water. The wrecks thus represented are then potentially dangerous to vessels with a draught greater than 20m. Note: This symbol is also used for all wrecks in water over 200m deep.
30 Wreck, least depth unknown, but considered to have a safe clearance to depth shown
31 &

Remains of a wreck or other foul ground, non dangerous to navigation but to be avoided by vessels anchoring, trawling etc. CAUTION: On some CHS charts, this symbol may represent a foul area dangerous to surface navigation

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